Cats & Kittens
Looking to adopt? Check out our available cats online or come to the shelter during our open hours to meet them in person. If you see a cat you would like to learn more about, please give us a call at (406) 549-3934 or email us at paws@myHSWM.org. Fill out our Pet & People Profile to let us know what you are looking for in a new furry friend.
Available Cats & Kittens

Got Mice?
Are you looking for a working cat to help control your barn’s, warehouse’s or business’ rodent problem? We can help you find the cats for the job. If you’re interested you can submit a “Working Cat Adopter Profile” or learn more about this program.
The Humane Society of Western Montana is frequently asked to take in semi-social cats. Our goal is to place these cats directly into homes where they can be indoor/outdoor working cats or barn cats. Housing these cats in a shelter environment can be stressful and negatively impact the health of the cats.
All cats placed through HSWM have age-appropriate vaccinations, are spayed/neutered, and have received a medical evaluation.